Leadership starts from within; partnering for impact is how we can achieve real large-scale social change together.

How We Partner For Impact


Collaborate to bring diverse leadership learning and development opportunities to more talented women everywhere.


Educational Institutions


Leadership Organisations


Strengthen our capacity to scale by supporting our operations, sponsoring leadership programmes, and providing education funding.


Education Funding Partners




Engage in inspiring leadership experiences that benefit your organisation while nurturing women in leadership.




Women’s Organisations


Connect us with people, resources, and technology that will help us deepen and stretch our impact beyond our current imagination.


Ecosystem Builders

Capacity Builders

Technology Partners

We Proudly Partner with

Women’s Leadership Academy Partner

For the last 3 years, we have been the implementing partner for leadership trainings hosted by the US Mission to ASEAN’s Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YSEALI). During each training, 40 delegates from each ASEAN country came together with corporations, government, NGOs, and professional coaches and trainers to highlight and collaborate on regional issues and challenges ASEAN women face.

Corporate Partner: Wedu Rise

Astro (Malaysia) started engaging us in 2016 to use our Mentorship Programme as a way for their employees to take part in social impact while developing management skills for the workplace. Matched with a Rising Star, each Astro employee also received workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions to maximise the impact of the mentoring experience for everyone involved.

Talent Spotter

Talent is everywhere, and yet opportunities are not. We collaborate with local and regional Talent Spotters to help more women in these communities believe in their potential to lead the change. Women LEAD supports adolescent girls to become leaders and changemakers in Nepal, which prepares them well to continue their leadership journeys as Rising Stars.

Ecosystem Builder

In 2014, we became a member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a global membership of leading organisations committed to solving the world’s most pressing challenges. On this global stage, we committed to reach 1,000 women leaders in Asia and create the first Future Income Sharing Agreement (FISA) fund in Asia by the end of 2018.

Education Funding Partner

Kiva helped us launch Future Income Sharing Agreements (FISAs) in 2014 by providing a credit line and platform to fund FISAs. With a focus on connecting people through lending to alleviate poverty, Kiva has been critical in removing financial barriers to education and helping more Rising Stars achieve financial independence.

Leadership Partner

In 2017, we partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to bring our core leadership curriculum and Mentorship Programme in the local Myanmar language to women living in refugee camps along the Myanmar-Thai border. Some of these refugee women go on to become Rising Stars, demonstrating the potential long-term impact we can have together by investing in talented women everywhere.

More Partners

Words echo, actions resonate. How will you make an impact?

Let’s collaborate!

Contact us to explore partnership opportunities.